One community of scholars - multiple ways to stay connected.
Alumni Directory: a secure, opt-in alumni-only directory of Marshall Scholars. Click here to request access.
Jobs Board: a group for members to share jobs and professional opportunities. Please send an email here to join the jobs board.
Monthly eBulletin: a monthly publication of virtual, regional, national, and international programming, new initiatives, and announcements. Please send an email here to join.
George's Tuesday Salon: a group where members exchange articles, podcasts, or other media on a variety of topics from the previous week. Please send an email here to join.
AMS Newsletter: a quarterly publication written, edited, and produced by Marshall Scholar alumni. The Newsletter features current Scholar activities, alumni profiles, and class notes by year. Past issues of the Newsletter are available here. Article submission link here.
Social Media Channels: follow the AMS on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for the latest content, videos, and news about Marshall Scholars making an impact.