The AMS is the association for alumni of the Marshall Scholarship
As recipients of one of the world’s most prestigious fellowships for postgraduate study, we are dedicated to furthering the bounds of human knowledge, and to sustaining the enduring friendship between the United States and the United Kingdom.
We are marshall scholars

Our Mission
The Association of Marshall Scholars is the official alumni organization of the Marshall Scholarship, one of the world’s most prestigious and competitive fellowships for postgraduate study.
The AMS works to support the legacy and aims of the Marshall Scholarship Program by supporting current scholars during their time in the UK, by connecting alumni personally and professionally, and by contributing to a culture of knowledge, expertise, and the enduring transatlantic friendship between the United States and United Kingdom.
Supported by funding from the UK government for two to three years of postgraduate study at any university in the United Kingdom, Marshall Scholars have a unique opportunity.
Their degree programs range from social justice to literature to law, from music and dance to particle physics and mathematics, and include every area of human endeavour.
What unites Marshall Scholars - both during their time in the UK and upon their return to the US - is a fierce passion for academic inquiry, and belief in the importance of knowledge in the betterment of the human condition.
The AMS also assists the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, alongside the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, in the selection process for new scholars every year.

Diplomacy at home and abroad
The AMS supports current scholars in the UK, and works to connect and encourage alumni in the US and around the world.
It is also the convenor of the Marshall Forum, an annual conversation with top global experts on critical questions that impact both the US and the UK.
The 2017 Harvard Marshall Forum

Connect to other Marshall Scholars, stay up to date on events in your area, and learn about the programs available for Marshall alumni in the US and abroad.
“A close accord between our two countries is essential to the good of mankind in this turbulent world of today, and that is not possible without an intimate understanding of each other.
These scholarships point the way to the continuation and growth of the understanding which found its necessity in the terrible struggle of the war years.”
— Gen. George C. Marshall, in a letter to the inaugural class of Marshall Scholars (1954)