2017 Harvard Marshall Forum
HARVARD University | June 3, 2017
2017 Marshall FORUM celebrating the 70th anniversary of the marshall plan
The 2017 Marshall Forum on behalf of the Association of Marshall Scholars, with Harvard Law School, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, the German Marshall Fund of the Untied States, and the British Embassy, we are honored to present the 2017 Harvard Marshall Forum: “The Legacy of the Marshall Plan”, celebrating the 70th anniversary of George C. Marshall’s historic speech announcing the Marshall Plan.
Host Committee
Graham Allison, Dan Barouch, Harriet Cross, Nannerl Keohane, Rakesh Khurana, Michael Klarman, Douglas Melton, Martha Minow, Eric Nelson, Jeannie Suk Gersen, Michael Sulmeyer, and Kathleen Sullivan
The Association of Marshall Scholars
The German Marshall Fund of the United States
British Embassy, Washington D.C.
British Consulate, Boston
Harvard Law School
Harvard Kennedy School