paleontologist & evolutionary biologist
Marshall Scholar, Class of 2006 (University of Bristol)
“Right now, we’re in a golden age of paleontology. People are finding more dinosaurs now than ever before: somebody somewhere around the world is finding a new species on average once a week… Countries like China, Brazil, and Argentina have opened up, and they’re training their own young scientists, with their own universities, their own museums, and they’re going out to find things. And it’s a much more diverse group of people than ever before… So we’re just in this exciting phase of discovery, and that means, with all these new species, that’s just adding clues that help us tell that story better.”
- Stephen L. Brusatte
Stephen L. Brusatte is a paleontologist and evolutionary biologist who focuses on the anatomy and evolution of dinosaurs and other fossils. He has discovered more than a dozen new species of vertebrate fossils. Brusatte has published over 110 scientific papers and six books including an adult pop science book called The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs. In 2015, he was featured in T. Rex Autopsy, a documentary produced by National Geographic. He was also hired as a consultant for the movie, Jurassic World: Dominion, which is scheduled to be released in 2021.
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